15 products
15 products
Pelago uses the slogan "Serve the Purpose": They aim to build a bike that is multi-purpose, that connects art and design but also connects street life and the great outdoors. Pelago makes beautiful city bikes for the short-distance cyclist, handsome bikes for the longer distance commuter cyclist, and a whole range of gorgeous touring bikes and gravel bikes that compete with most North American performance bikes on price, looks and feel.
Pelago began in Helsinki, a remarkable cycling city, as a city bike company. No bike is treated more poorly by its owner than a city bike, a city bike pounds the pavement daily and is often stored outside through snowy, salty winters. To design a city bike requires a focus on quality, durability, design and comfort, and when those principles are carried into bikes that are more performance-driven, you have a bike that is at once the perfect city bike and the perfect outdoor explorer.