Child Seats

16 products

     If you are looking to bring your kid along on your bicycle travels, a child seat is a simple and affordable way to go. We have seats designed to mount in the bucket of a cargo bike or on the back of a city, commuter or hybrid bike. 

    Once your kid is strong enough to support their heads with a helmet, usually sometime between 9 and 12 months, they are ready to ride in a rear mounted child seat. These seats are generally tested to carry kids up to 5-6 years old and a maximum weight of 18-22kg depending on the model. Depending on the size and frame style of your bike you may need a rack mounted or a frame mounted seat. Give us a call or send us an email to if you have questions about bike seat compatibility. 

    We carry seats from Bobike, Thule, Winther, Nihola, Riese and Müller and Larry vs Harry.